Cap'n Ball's Links Page

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" -- Ben Franklin
Calendar Links

These are sites that list upcoming rendezvous (and other)schedules. I tried doing this for a while and found more work and frustration than success. My hat is doffed to them.

There is a wealth of information on these forums with the caveat that you need to carefully filter the facts from the opinions. Don't worry. Anything really egregious will be commented on, soon.
These are not paid advertisments and the list is not comprehensive but beginners do not already know where to go for parts. I am using no ranking except alphabetical order.
Muzzleloaders and Accessories

Period Camp and Clothes


Grayson Collection
This collection at the University of Missouri shows us the misnomer of calling historical archery equipment primitive.

Museum of the Fur Trade
A fine collection well displayrd. More important, well labeled.   Chadron, NE

George's Virtual Museum
George shares his photo album after a lifetime restoring museum quality arms.

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